The Great Benefits that You can Get from the Mini C-Arm

When technology came into being, this has surely paved the way for many amazing innovations in the medical field. One of the greatest inventions and innovations is the mini C arm that functions on the basis of the digital electronics but still providing the benefits which didn’t exist in the years before. The advanced C arm has special features like the digital imaging technology, image accessibility at many spots and also an easy portability. Moreover, this kind of technology permits the transmission of the images from one place to another without affecting the quality of the image.

It is quite important to know that the C-arm system is based on the fluoroscopy imaging. Well, the DNA can be transformed by the x-rays leading to the atom ionization resulting in the free electron movement. About 3-6mA current value is used for conducting the fluoroscopy that uses about 80-125kVp voltage. The way that the x-ray is produced will actually depend on the current which passes through the x-ray tube but the increase in voltage can increase its sensitivity.

The fluoroscopic imaging systems make use of the x-rays for image production. But, the mini C-arm provides a lot more benefits unlike the standard C arm technology. Since this comes with a much smaller size, this technology is able to give way for a lot better access in the workplace.

Other benefits that you can get from the mini C arm would include easiness in operation. What is also great about this is that this doesn’t need a radiographer. Moreover you may cut the cost and delays and this also helps to reduce the screening time too. This also cuts the risk of radiation with scatter and there is an immediate printout facility. It cannot be argued that this is also easy to maneuver and has much better accuracy. Well, for these things, the mini C arms have surely displayed the potential to cut the scattered radiation dose to the patient, surgeon or any personnel.

There are many medical procedures, that include the hand, ankle, foot surgery and others that require the C arm. The fracture dislocations, bunion surgery, stress views, fracture fixations and intra-articular injections may be readily detected through the mini version of this technology.

Well, if you are interested about getting this kind of machine, then there is nothing to worry since there is a great company that you can rely on. They not only offer c-arm imaging technology but also include service, maintenance and installation. They have been in the business for 30 years in serving the many healthcare clients and they have learned the importance of having such properly maintained and also functioning c-arm technology.

You can surely trust them because the diagnostic imaging practitioners in the hospitals, the surgery centers, the clinics and also the private practice have used their extensive experience even in refurbishing the c-arms and also they have leveraged it to keep their own equipment in great working order and address the repair issues that need prompt attention.

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